Routes of Discovery
I know you and your friends have different questions and needs that are important to you at this moment,
For that reason, I invite you to have a look at the different routes for your journey that we’ve put together for you to try and meet those needs and help you discover answers to all of those questions.
You are free to take any of these ROUTES.
If we can make a suggestion, we want to challenge you to take these journeys one after the other as we suggested below.
But, as we said, that is your choice!
Route 1
The first route you can follow for the following weeks is called...
Click on the following button to download the file with the route map for this journey.
As another section of this route, let me tell you and your friends the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST.
Please download it, have a look at the Scripture passages, and then talk about it.
Route 2

When we are looking at Jesus, we are looking at Jesus, a real human being who really lived here on earth, according to most historians, most probably from 3 BC to 30 AD.
When Moses met God in the wilderness and asked His name, God replied 'I AM THAT I AM...
This you shall to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.'
So, the God of Israel revealed Himself as 'I AM'.
This man, Jesus, claimed this name for himself showing He was Israel's God and Messiah, and in doing so, risked being stoned for blasphemy.
So, the question is, WHO WAS THIS JESUS REALLY?
Answering this question could be the most important thing you could do in your life!
Please download the following file with Scriptures to help you (and your friends) to answer this question if you haven’t done it yet.
Route 3

This route is called THE 7 DISCOVERY BIBLE- JOURNEYS
You will see this is in reality 7 different journeys of 7 weeks each, which you can follow as a Discovery Bible Study Group.
Click on the following button to download the file with the information about these 7 routes.
Route 4

Be a Witness of Jesus
It is important to remember that Biblical faith starts when people discover their sins and repent.
When speaking to people who know the Old Testament or who is Jewish, they need to discover Jesus as the Jewish Messiah of Isaiah 53 and as the Lamb of God who died for our sins.
Please, come and let me show you (and your friends) a way you can be a witness of Jesus Christ to others.
Download the following file and join me as I show you in Scripture the core of the Gospel Message.
Route 5

To give you more options and different kinds of journeys, you and your friends can download the following DBS sets which are broken down into 6 categories.
Stories for Lost People - These are sets that are typically used for Disciple Groups (DG) of lost people to help them discover Jesus.
Commitment to Christ - This set is used when people begin asking direct questions about following Jesus. Wherever they are at that point, we recommend taking them through this set.
Basics of a Disciple Lifestyle - These are essential ‘basic’ sets for new believers. They are also great for existing churches to go back to as God would lead.
Being the Church - As a DG begins their journey of following Jesus these sets help them understand what it means to be a ‘church.’
Following Jesus - These sets are a wide array of topics about a life of following Jesus.
Being Leaders - These sets can be used in a variety of settings and are focused on Kingdom leadership